Saturday, August 1, 2015

The Journey

My interest in Forth started late last decade. I don't even recall how I encountered it, but once I started to grok how Forth does things, I immediately found it intriguing. Once I'd played with it a bit and did some research on its history, I did an episode of Retrobits on the topic.

I mentioned in an earlier blog post why I decided to try to produce a working, native C128 Forth. The journey to get there was interesting, and sadly kept me sufficiently busy that I didn't have time to document it along the way. Let me correct that oversight while there's still time to get the blog entries in.

There were several choices about how to make a working Forth:

Build It Yourself

If I could sufficiently understand Forth internals, the 6502 (or 8502), and the Commodore 128 peculiarities, then I could write a Forth from scratch. That's a nice idea, but far too aggressive in the time allotted.

Make a Port of FigForth

As mentioned in an earlier post, FigForth was a wildly popular version of the Forth language, ported to many platforms. Virtually all our favorite computers (except, of course, the C128) have a version or derivative of FigForth, including both micros and minis (e.g., the PDP-11). FigForth is designed to be easy to port to other platforms, and is well documented. There's even a generic 6502 version that, with a few changes, can run on almost any 6502-based system.

FigForth has one attribute that I'm not wild about - it uses "indirect threading". To gain a better understanding of this would require quite a bit of reading, so I'll just say that indirect threading adds a layer of abstraction when one Forth "word" calls another. While there are still arguments about direct versus indirect threading, the simpler approach, direct threading, was appealing to me.

Make a Port of DurexForth

Ravelli of DUREX has produced a wonderful version of Forth for the Commodore 64. It's open source, direct-threaded, and quite fast. It has neat libraries of words for various Commodore capabilities, and it's actively updated - in fact, the last updates were only a week ago at the time of this writing.

The idea of making a C128 version of Forth has been with me for a while. I had emailed Ravelli some time ago, inquiring about my porting it to the C128. He graciously provided me with build instructions for producing a working DurexForth from source code. (It's pretty easy, but it does need Linux for the required version of the ACME assembler.)

Of these options, I chose to port DurexForth.

Crankin' Out The Code

While I love DurexForth, I'm not wild about ACME assembler. Hope I haven't insulted any ACME enthusiasts - it's a well known and loved assembler, but it's not my style. Of the options I've reviewed, I like KickAssembler the best.

Bit by bit, I started to port DurexForth code over to KickAssembler syntax, while simultaneously changing anything C64-specific to C128 architecture. As I tweeted a while back, I got the Forth "inner interpreter" - the thing that lets things in Forth call other things - working, and I actually cranked out most of that code on my own without doing a direct copy (pats self on back). However, this was also going too slow, and I wasn't going to make it to the Retrochallenge finish line with a working prototype.

So, I built a Linux box, downloaded ACME, and got a build chain up and running. Then I started hacking away at DurexForth with a machete, doing my best to excise C64 dependencies and replace them with the corresponding C128 idioms. (More on this in a technical post to come.) Naturally, the VICE emulator was a close friend during this process. Warp mode, combined with easy file copying, made it a LOT easier than moving stuff to the real thing for testing. There were a couple of challenges, but in the end, I got an OK prompt (Forth's "Ready"), and was able to type some working commands.

What's Next?

Seeing a working prototype was a real enthusiasm boost. Now I go back to an earlier phase, where I carefully take working concepts from DurexForth, re-implement them with KickAssembler for the C128, and begin to also add C128-specific capabilities. Some of my top goals are full use of the neat VDC video chip, and also 2 MHz mode, which cannot be done in 40 columns.

Next blog post later today will cover some of the technical details I encountered during the process.


  1. Nice work Earl, I don't know much about forth, but I an only us a calculator if it is RPN so my guess it wouldn't be hard to pick up. I just landed a big lot of vintage computers at an estate sale and I now I have a C128 in my collection. I see why you are such a big fan. Thanks for the Retrobits podcasts they have been great to listen to. Cheers Tom Raidna (Twitter TRaidnaComputes)
