IDE: Relaunch 64
This is a Java-based IDE that is purpose-built for Commodore assembly language programming. It supports a number of editing features that are very helpful, and also supports the unique syntax of several popular Commodore assemblers.
Assembler: KickAssembler
I've never used KickAssembler before for a personal project, but I've heard it kicks - well, you know. The clear and well layed-out documentation looks like a definite plus.
Emulator: VICE
Really, there isn't much other choice for a Commodore 128 emulator. I am using one of the recent nightly builds of VICE, so I get the cool new features and bug fixes, a couple of which are very important for the 128.
Test of the build chain
Here's my "Hello World" (more like, "A"):
.pc = $2000
lda #$41
jsr $ffd2
Assemble, then from BASIC:
load "test.prg",8,1
searching for dooey.prg
sys 8192
We are off to the races!
One week in and the build tools are ready... Hopefully it's been wetware work for the week and you can just sit down and blast it out!